Our companies also support projects that help to technically develop the fertilizer production chain. In this sense, CASTech/Cinetica supports and sponsors the CEFERT (Fertilizer Production Technology Center of Excellence) at UFU since its first workshop in 2010 and is a signatory of the Brazilian Fertilizer Workshop whose Organizing Committee Member and co-founder, too is the company's Director, Felipe Mendes Carvalho.

The Brazilian Fertilizer Workshop is an event that takes place every two years and aims to become the most important event in the field in Brazil, and seeks to promote the debate on technologies and market in the agro-industrial and agrarian sector, promoting the interaction between the academic environment, students and professors, the private sector and institutions that promote research and technological innovation.

Furthermore, it seeks to attract the interest of undergraduate and graduate students to work in the production chain in order to meet the demand for specialized labor.
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